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Educational Resources

Below you will find downloadable educational activities and worksheets to engage student further with our digital exhibit!  Click on an image to preview it or click on the button to download.

Make a Tiger.PNG
Circus Poem.PNG
coloring pages.PNG
Crossword Answer Key.PNG
Writing Exercise.PNG
Scavenger Hunt.PNG
Pamphlet Making.PNG
Build A Circus.PNG
3-2-1 Worksheet.PNG
Primary Source Analysis.PNG

Extra Information

The following resources belong to their respective owners. Truman State University and we, as a class, do not claim any ownership over the following materials or institutions, nor are we affiliated with the following materials or institutions. We are providing this additional information solely for your educational benefit, so you can further explore the information we’ve touched on in the exhibits. It is your choice to pursue these avenues in more depth. We do not make any profit by including this information, nor do we make any profit if you decide to explore these areas.


Happy exploration!


Wishing you could see a performance? No worries!
If you find yourself wishing you could watch a modern-day circus performance, you’re in luck! Cirque du Soleil, whose poster is included in our own exhibit, has their own YouTube channel! We are not affiliated with the organization, but their channel can be a valuable insight into how a modern-day circus operates today. They have also been posting unique, sixty minute specials to encourage individuals to stay at home. If you want more information on Cirque du Soleil, they also have their own website we recommend you visit.
Note: These performances can include bright, rapid flashes of light, loud and abrupt noises, and intense moments. Viewer discretion is advised.


Interested in the animals? Here’s something to check out!
The Spanish Riding School in Vienna does not teach trick-riding, but they do teach a unique form of horse-riding. If you visit their website, they include information on the lives of the horses they teach. You’re also able to purchase tickets to witness the shows! If you visit YouTube and type in ‘UNESCO Spanish Riding School’, there’s a helpful video created by UNESCO that provides more information on this Riding School and the unique form of riding they teach.


Curious about other virtual museums? They have your back!
In the current times, museums have provided ways for visitors to virtually interact with their exhibits. You’ll want to check that these experiences are free-of-cost first, but once you do, explore away! Go to your favorite search engine and type in ‘virtual museum tours’ and see what institutions are exploring this unique form of connection.


National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tours

Virtual Museum of Canada

Virtual Vatican Museum

Dalí Theatre-Museum

National Women's History Museum Online Exhibits

The Mutter Museum YouTube Channel

Science Museum YouTube Channel

American Museum of Natural History YouTube Channel


Do you want to learn more about the circus, but you have chores to do? Never fear!
One of our team members has listened to some podcasts and found episodes that explore the history of the circus! If podcasts are more your style, here are some episodes detailing engaging stories about the circus and its history. You can find them anywhere you get your podcasts! 


  • ​Stuff You Missed in History Class- Hartford Circus Fire 

    • This episode details a fire that broke out during a Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus Performance in which dozens of lives were lost. 


  • The Bowery Boys- P.T. Barnum and the Greatest Show on Earth

    • If you’re interested in New York City History specifically, this show is for you! The Bowery Boys recount the life of P.T. Barnum and his legacy through the circus in New York City. 


  • Circus Voices

    • This podcast is dedicated entirely to circuses! They interview circus performers in interesting, bite-size episodes. The first episode covers an aerialist from St. Louis named Elliana Grace Hentoff- Killian.


  • Stuff You Should Know- How Circus Families Work

    • This episode is about one certain component of circuses: the families that comprise them. Many circuses, historically, were family businesses that involved all members of the family, which raises issues about child safety, among others. They also have episodes detailing similar circus themes, such as an episode in which they discuss the flea circus!


Beneath White Tents was curated for the Truman State University Art Gallery from a selection of objects held in Truman State University's Special Collections and Museums by Truman State University's Spring 2020 class of IDSM 361 Exhibition and Museums: Planning and Practice, drawing upon the work of the Fall 2019 ART 345 History of Graphic Design and Spring 2019 IDSM 360 Museums: Object and Collections.


The objects in the exhibit “Beneath White Tents” are either property of Truman State University Special Collections and Museums or property of individuals involved in this curatorial collaboration. The photographs of those objects were taken by Tim Barcus, Truman State University Campus Photographer. Our posting of these images on this website is in no way meant to imply ownership of the intellectual rights to the content of the graphic images in the exhibit, this being an educational use. Viewer’s of the website are not granted permission to use the images without prior written consent. 



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